AS 2205.7.2:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Dropweight fracture toughness test for nil-ductility transition temperature
AS 2243.7:1991 Safety in laboratories Electrical aspects
AS 1636.1:1996 Tractors - Roll-over protective structures - Criteria and tests Conventional tractors
AS 4435.4:2005 Insulators - Composite for overhead power lines - Voltages greater than 1000 V a.c. Definitions, test methods, acceptance criteria for post insulator units
AS 1742.13:2009 Manual of uniform traffic control devices Local area traffic management
AS 2205.7.3:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Fracture mechanics toughness tests (K(sub)lc(/sub), critical CTOD and critical J values)
AS 3706.12:2001 Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of durability - Resistance to degradation by hydrocarbons or chemical reagents
AS 1473.8:2007 Wood processing machinery - Safety Finishing machinery - Milling tools and circular saw blades
AS 4398.2:2005 Insulators - Ceramic or glass - Station post for indoor or outdoor use - Voltages greater than 1000 V a.c. Tests (IEC 60168, Ed. 4.2 (2001) MOD)
AS 1580.452.1:2003 Paints and related materials - Methods of test - Resistance to humidity under condensation conditions
AS 2300.1.2.1:1991 Methods of chemical and physical testing for the dairying industry General methods and principles - Determination of nitrogen - Reference Kjeldahl method
AS 3735 Supplement 1:2001 Concrete structures retaining liquids - Commentary (Supplement to AS 3735-2001)