AS 2205.8.1:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Longitudinal fillet shear test
AS 2252.2:2009 Controlled environments Biological safety cabinets Class II - Design
AS 1154.1:2009 Insulator and conductor fittings for overhead power lines Performance, material, general requirements and dimensions
AS 2300.2.1:1996 Methods of chemical and physical testing for the dairying industry Liquid milks - Method for determining the efficiency of homogenization of milk
AS 2300.1.7:1990 Methods of chemical and physical testing for the dairying industry General methods and principles - Determination of extraneous matter in dairy products
AS 2205.8.2:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Transverse fillet shear test
AS 1418.4:2004 Cranes, hoists and winches Tower cranes
AS 60068.4:2003 Environmental testing - Information for specification writers - Test summaries
AS 2300.10.1:1991 Methods of chemical and physical testing for the dairying industry Caseins, caseinates and coprecipitates - General information and preparation of samples
AS 3706.5:2014 Geotextiles - Methods of test Determination of puncture resistance - Drop cone method
AS 2205.9.1:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Hot cracking test
AS 1418.6:2004 Cranes, hoists and winches Guided storing and retrieving appliances