AS 2809.5:2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Tankers for bitumen-based products
AS 1834.1:1991 Material for soldering Solder alloys
AS 2205.3.2:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Transverse free bend test
AS 2118.1:2017 Automatic fire sprinkler systems General systems
AS 1289.2.1.2:2005 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Sand bath method (subsidiary method)
AS 1289.5.7.1:2006 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Compaction control test - Hilf density ratio and Hilf moisture variation (rapid method)
AS 2001.3.4:1995 Methods of test for textiles Chemical tests - Determination of solvent extractable matter
AS 2809.6:2001 Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods Tankers for cryogenic liquids
AS 1885.1 Supplement 1:1991 Measurement of occupational health and safety performance Describing and reporting occupational injuries and disease - Workplace injury and disease recording form (Supplement to AS 1885.1-1990)
AS 2205.3.3:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Longitudinal guided bend test
AS 1289.2.1.4:2005 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil moisture content tests - Determination of the moisture content of a soil - Microwave-oven drying method (subsidiary method)
AS 1289.5.8.1:2007 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of field density and field moisture content of a soil using a nuclear surface moistureDensity gauge - Direct transmission mode