AS 2030.2:1996 The verification, filling, inspection, testing and maintenance of cylinders for the storage and transport of compressed gases Cylinders for dissolved acetylene
AS 1121.4:2007 Agricultural tractor power take-offs Guards for power take-off (PTO) drive-shafts - Strength and wear tests and acceptance criteria
AS 2001.2.23:1990 Methods of test for textiles Physical tests - Determination of linear density of textile yarn from packages
AS 2205.4.2:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Fillet break test
AS 1289.5.3.2:2004 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil compaction and density tests - Determination of the field dry density of a soil - Sand replacement method using a sand pouring can, with or without a volume displacer
AS 4118.1.6:1995 Fire sprinkler systems Components - Stop valves and non-return valves
AS 1121.1:2007 Agricultural tractor power take-offs Rear-mounted power take-off types 1, 2 and 3 - General specifications, safety requirements, dimensions for master shield and clearance zone
AS 1289.6.4.1:2016 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of compressive strength of a soil - Compressive strength of a specimen tested in undrained triaxial compression without measurement of pore water pressure
AS 2205.5.1:2003 Methods for destructive testing of welds in metal - Macro metallographic test for cross-section examination
AS 1289.6.3.1:2004 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of the penetration resistance of a soil - Standard penetration test (SPT)
AS 60068.3.2:2003 Environmental testing - Background information - Combined temperature/low air pressure tests
AS 4118.1.1:1996 Fire sprinkler systems Components - Sprinklers and sprayers