API Bull 4719 Industry Guidelines on Requesting Regulatory Concurrence for Subsea Dispersant Use, FIrst Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 06/01/2017
API 570 Addendum 1 Amendment 1 to Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems, Fourth Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API MPMS Chapter 19.1 Evaporative Loss from Fixed-Roof Tanks, Fifth Edition Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Petroleum Institute, 06/01/2017
API Std 20J Qualification of Distributors of Metallic Materials for Use in the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API Std 687 Datasheets Datasheets for API RP 687 (R2015), First Edition Data Sheet by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API RP 17A Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems-General Requirements and Recommendations, Fifth Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API Publ 4784 Qualification of Vapor Phase-related Natural Source Zone Depletion Processes, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API 510 Addenda 1 Addendum 1 for Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Maintenance Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration, Tenth Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API Std 547 General-purpose Form-wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors-185 kW (250 hp) through 2240 kW (3000 hp), Second Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API TR 942-B Materials, Fabrication, and Repair Considerations for Austenitic Alloys Subject to Embrittlement and Cracking in High Temperature 565 degrees C to 760 degrees C (1050 degrees F to 1400 degrees F) Refinery Services, First Edition. standard by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API RP 1646 Safe Work Practices for Contractors Working at Retail Petroleum/Convenience Facilities, Second Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 05/01/2017
API Std 609 Errata Errata to Butterfly Valves: Double-flanged, Lug- and Wafer-type, Eighth Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 04/13/2017