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FORD FLTM BN 024-02:2001

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FORD FLTM BN 024-02:2001

Flammability Test for Automotive Interior Materials

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This procedure establishes a uniform method of determining the burn rate of automotive materials, component parts, portions of parts, composites and surrogate plaques used in passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks and buses as defined in the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 302 (*), Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 302 (*), Engineering Design and Test Standard DD 0.00-127 (*), and/or the more stringent requirement such as DNI (Does Not Ignite), etc., sometimes imposed by Ford Motor Company upon the material for specific applications.
*Current date in effect.

Author Ford Motor Company (FORD)
Editor FORD
Document type Standard
Format File
Number of pages 14
Replace FORD FLTM BN 024-02 1994 Edition, February 28.1994
Year 2001
Country USA