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IES TM-15 2011 Edition, May 16, 2011 Luminaire Classification System for Outdoor Luminaires

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Description / Abstract: The LCS metrics are indicators of optical distribution and are intended to be used in conjunction with the IES distribution classifications (Type I, II, III, IV, V and Short, Medium, Long)2 for a more complete analysis of where the light is distributed.

As previously noted, the LCS is designed to describe the lumen distribution of an individual luminaire. It also provides a convenient method to compare the utilization of available lamp lumens in the three LCS solid angles among similar non-aimable outdoor luminaires.

The lumens within each LCS solid angle provide data that can relate to an evaluation of light trespass and sky glow. However these issues relate also to the optical distribution of light as a function of the installed characteristics including location of the luminaires with respect to the property line, installed height, spacing and uniformity of light and reflective characteristics of the ground materials that may contribute to light reflected into the sky.

The previous IES cutoff classifications (full cutoff, cutoff, semi-cutoff, and non-cutoff) are superseded by the Luminaire Classification System (LCS).