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IES RP-33 2014 Edition, July 30, 2014 Lighting for Exterior Environments

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Description / Abstract: Overview

The intent of this Recommended Practice is to address the design issues related to outdoor lighting. It also outlines the environmental considerations of outdoor lighting especially related to sky glow and light trespass. In addition, this RP provides information on how to assign lighting zones, and how to use the Joint IDA-IES Model Lighting Ordinance (MLO) and User's Guide, as a basis for an outdoor lighting ordinance.4 Finally, this RP discusses community based design, and specific recommendations for lighting outdoor areas.

A number of other IES recommended practices (RPs) and the IES Lighting Handbook, 10th Edition5, provide design guidelines for specific outdoor lighting applications. This document is not intended to supersede those RPs or the IES Lighting Handbook, 10th Edition. Rather, it will link the various documents together, augmenting them in subject areas not otherwise covered. This document will also aid in establishing community themes and lighting zone classifications. Where conflicting uses and desires for the nighttime environment arise, the parties involved should work together to resolve the issues by reviewing all of the relevant criteria to reach a consensus about which criteria will guide the final resolution.