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IES RP-37 2015 Edition, November 8, 2015 Outdoor Lighting for Airport Environments

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Description / Abstract: The scope of outdoor lighting in the airport environment includes aircraft stands and apron areas, roadways, vehicular parking facilities, passenger loading and unloading areas as well as pedestrian walkways. The recommendations included in IES RP-37-15 provide guidance for lighting of these areas while emphasizing the restrictions, regulations, and best practices for the safe movement of aircraft.

IES RP-37-15 does not provide guidance for Aeronautical Ground Lighting systems, such as Runway, Taxiway and Approach Lighting, and is not intended to be used for lighting designs for Heliports (refer to Annex F - Glossary).


The purpose of this recommended practice is:

1. Airside - Provide for adequately lighted areas where parked aircraft are safely serviced; aircraft crew and passengers safely board and deplane, and where cargo operations are conducted;

2. Landside - Provide for adequately lighted access roads and parking areas for safety and security of pedestrians and vehicles;

3. Adjacent Development - Provide guidance for lighting in the vicinity of the airport (including areas outside the airport property line), while also taking into account the special needs of the airport environment, such as height restrictions and potential light interference with air traffic controller and/or pilot vision.