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INCITS 53:1976 (R2008)

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INCITS 53:1976 (R2008)

Programming Language PL/I

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Specifies both the form and interpretation of computer programs written in PL/I. Is intended to provide a high degree of machine independence and thereby facilitate program exchange among a variety of computing systems. The standard serves as an authoritative reference rather than as a tutorial exposition

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2008-10-29
ICS 35.060 : Languages used in information technology
Number of pages 416
Cross references DIN 66255 (1980-05), IDT
Year 1970
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 53;53;ANSI INCITS 53;ANSI X 3.53;INCITS 53-1976 [S2008]