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INCITS/ISO 6586-1980 (R2008)

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INCITS/ISO 6586-1980 (R2008)

Data processing Implementation of the ISO 7 - Bit and 8 - Bit Coded Character Sets on Punched Cards

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Defines implementation of ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets on punched cards as well as the representation of 7-bit and 8-bit combinations on 12-row punched cards. This representation is derived from, and compatible with, the Hollorith Code. Ensures widely compatibility with existing punched card files. Intended for general interchange of information among data processing systems.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2008-12-19
ICS 35.040 : Character sets and information coding
Cross references ISO 6586 (1980-11), IDT
Year 1980
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Country USA