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INCITS 125:1985 (R2011)

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INCITS 125:1985 (R2011)

Two-Sided, Double-Density, Unformatted 5.25 Inch (130 mm) 48-tpi (1.9 tpmm) Flexible Disk Cartridge for 7958 BPR Use

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Specifies the general, physical, and magnetic requirements for the interchangeability of the two-sided, 5.25 inch (130 mm) (nominal), 48-tracks-per-inch (tpi) 1,9-tracks-per-millimeter (tpmm) flexible disk cartridge (for 7958 bits-per-radian (bpr) use) as required to achieve unformatted disk cartridge interchange among disk drives using 40 tracks per side and associated information processing systems.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2011-12-29
ICS 35.220.21 : Magnetic disks
Number of pages 20
Year 1980
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 125;125;ANSI INCITS 125;ANSI X 3.125;INCITS 125-1985 [S2011]