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INCITS 124:1985 (R2012)

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INCITS 124:1985 (R2012)

Information processing systems - Computer graphics - Graphical Kernel System (GKS) Functional Description

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Specifies a set of functions for computer graphics programming (GKS). GKS is a basic graphics system for applications that produce computer generated two-dimensional pictures on line graphics or raster graphics output devices. It supports operator input and interaction by supplying basic functions for graphical input and picture segmentation and allows storage and dynamic modification of pictures.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2012-09-05
ICS 35.140 : Computer graphics
Number of pages 278
Year 1980
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 124;124;ANSI INCITS 124;ANSI X 3.124;INCITS 124-1985 [S2012]