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INCITS 136:1986 (R2007)

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INCITS 136:1986 (R2007)

Serial Recorded Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange, Four and Nine Track, 0.250 Inch (6.30 mm), 8000 bpi (315 bpmm), Streaming Mode, Group Code Recording

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Provides a format and recording standard for an 8000-bpi (315-bpmm) streaming 0.250-inch (6.3-mm) wide, 4- and 9-track, magnetic tape in a cartridge to be used for information interchange between information processing systems, communication systems, and associated equipment utilizing a standard code for information interchange, as agreed upon by the interchange parties.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2007-07-24
ICS 35.220.23 : Cassettes and cartridges for magnetic tapes
Number of pages 22
Year 1980
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 136;136;ANSI INCITS 136;ANSI X 3.136;INCITS 136-1986 [S2007]