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INCITS 152:1987 (R2007)

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INCITS 152:1987 (R2007)

Noncarbonized, Single-Ply, Adding Machine Paper Rolls, Specifications for

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This standard provides the following specifications for adding machine paper rolls: terminology; roll widths; roll length; paper substance and quality, thickness, finish, color, brightness, opacity, tearing and bursting strength; diameter of rolls; winding and cutting, core materials; diameter of core and spindle hole; roll end sealing; and quantity packaging and cartoning.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2007-07-24
ICS 85.080.10 : Office paper
Number of pages 2
Year 1980
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 152;152;ANSI INCITS 152;ANSI X 3.152;INCITS 152-1987 [S2007]