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INCITS 154:1988 (R2009)

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INCITS 154:1988 (R2009)

Information technology - Office Machines and Supplies Alphanumeric Machine -- Keyboard Arrangement

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Describes the arrangement of the 48 basic keys on the keyboard and the uppercase and lowercase characters that appear on the keys. The character assignments are divided into five application areas, in recognition of the different graphic character requirements of each application.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2009-05-21
ICS 35.260 : Office machines
Number of pages 15
Replace ANSI X 4.23 (1982)
Year 1980
Document history ANSI/INCITS 154 (1988)
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 154;154;ANSI INCITS 154;ANSI X 3.154;INCITS 154-1988 [S2009]