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INCITS 179:1990 (R2007)

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INCITS 179:1990 (R2007)

95-mm Diameter Rigid Digital Recording Disk

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Provides the mechanical, physical and magnetic properties of a low-friction disk with a diameter of 95 mm (3.740 inches) and with a typical recording density of 31.5 tracks per millimeter (tpmm) (800 trakcs per inch (tpi)) with 567 flux transitions per millimeter (ftpmm) (14400 flux transitions per inch (ftpi)) at a radius of 23 mm (0.900 inch).

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2007-07-23
ICS 35.220.21 : Magnetic disks
Number of pages 26
Year 1990
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 179;179;ANSI INCITS 179;ANSI X 3.179;INCITS 179-1990 [S2007]