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INCITS/ISO 19128-2010

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INCITS/ISO 19128-2010

Geographic information - Web map server interface

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ISO 19128:2005 specifies the behaviour of a service that produces spatially referenced maps dynamically from geographic information. It specifies operations to retrieve a description of the maps offered by a server, to retrieve a map, and to query a server about features displayed on a map. ISO 19128:2005 is applicable to pictorial renderings of maps in a graphical format; it is not applicable to retrieval of actual feature data or coverage data values.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2010-09-28
ICS 35.240.70 : IT applications in science
Cross references ISO 19128 (2005-12), IDT
Year 2010
Document history
Country USA