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INCITS 464:2010 (R2015)

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INCITS 464:2010 (R2015)

Information technology - Information Management - Extensible Access Method (XAMÖ)

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This part of the XAMÖ standard is a normative specification of the general architecture and semantics of the XAM API. It applies to programmers who are generating XAM applications in any programming language. It also applies to storage system vendors who are creating vendor interface modules (VIMs). This document uses an object model to describe syntax in examples; these examples are informative only. It is not a normative specification of the syntax of the XAM interfaces in any language binding. The normative specification of the syntax of the C language binding is defined in the XAM C API Specification [XAM-C-API]. The normative specification of the syntax of the Java language binding is defined in the XAM Java API Specification [XAM-JAVA-API].

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2015-12-21
ICS 35.080 : Software
Year 2010
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 464;464;ANSI INCITS 464;INCITS 464-2010 [R2015]