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INCITS 497:2012 (R2017)

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INCITS 497:2012 (R2017)

Information Technology - Automation/Drive Interface Commands - 3 (ADC - 3)

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Defines the model and command set extensions to facilitate operation of automation/drive interface devices. The clauses of this standard, implemented in conjunction with the applicable clauses of SPC-4, fully specify the standard command set for automation/drive interface devices. The objective of this standard is to: a) permit an application client to communicate over a SCSI service delivery subsystem, with a logical unit that declares itself to be an automation/drive interface device in the PERIPHERAL DEVICE TYPE field of the standard INQUIRY data (see SPC-4); b) define commands unique to the automation/drive interface device type; and c) define commands and parameters to manage the operation of the automation/drive interface device type and the operation of logical units of other specific device types that are present in the same device as the automation/drive interface logical unit.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2018-01-10
ICS 35.200 : Interface and interconnection equipment
Year 2012
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 497;497;ANSI INCITS 497;INCITS 497-2012 [R2017]