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INCITS 526:2016

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INCITS 526:2016

Information technology - Next Generation Access Control - Generic Operations and Data Structures (NGAC-GOADS)

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This standard provides a detailed refinement of the definitions and concepts in the access control architecture and framework defined by the NGAC-FA standard. To provide a precise specification of the abstractions involved, the refinements are based on the mathematics of set theory and predicate calculus in consonance with the Z notation. By capturing the essential properties of NGAC mathematically, free from constraints on how these properties are achieved, NGAC-GOADS serves as a formal, conceptual model for the composition and working of NGAC.

Author InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS)
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2016-02-17
ICS 35.080 : Software
Year 2016
Document history
Country USA
Keyword ANSI 526;526;INCITS 526-2016