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DVS 2203-4 Beiblatt 3:2015-03

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DVS 2203-4 Beiblatt 3:2015-03

Testing of welded joints in thermoplastic panels and pipes - Tensile creep test - Checking the required tensile creep test weld strength reduction factor and the minimum service life of polyethylene welded joints (PE 80 and PE 100)

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Author DVS
Editor DVS
Document type Norms amendments
Format File
ICS 25.160.40 : Welded joints and welds
Number of pages 9
Replace DVS 2203-4 Beiblatt 3 (2008-01)
Year 2015
Document history DVS 2203-4 Beiblatt 3 (2015-03)
Country Germany
Keyword DVS 2203;DVS 2203-4;2203