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SAE AMS 6425E:2019-05-17

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SAE AMS 6425E:2019-05-17

Steel, Bars, Forgings, and Tubing 1.4Mn - 1.5Si - 0.30Cr - 1.8Ni - 0.40Mo (0.23 - 0.28C) Consumable Electrode Vacuum Melted

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This specification covers a premium aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
Author SAE
Editor SAE
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 49.025.10 : Steels
Number of pages 10
Replace SAE AMS 6425D:2015-07-06
Year 2019
Document history SAE AMS 6425D:2015-07-06
Country USA
Keyword SAE 6425;SAE AMS6425E;SAE AMS6425E;SAE AMS 6425