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SAE ARP 5483/8B:2019-05-23

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SAE ARP 5483/8B:2019-05-23

Rolling Bearing Dynamic Radial Load Test

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This test method outlines the recommended machine function, fixtures, and procedures used to test airframe rolling element bearings for dynamic performance under steady unidirectional radial load and oscillatory motion. Bearings covered by this test method shall be ball, roller, or needle type in either annular or rod end configuration, used in airframe control applications.
Author SAE
Editor SAE
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 43.040.50 : Transmissions, suspensions
Number of pages 8
Replace SAE ARP 5483/8A:2012-09-05
Year 2019
Document history SAE ARP 5483/8A:2012-09-05
Country USA
Keyword SAE 54838;SAE ARP5483/8B;SAE ARP5483/8B;SAE ARP 5483/8