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GMW 14829:2017

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GMW 14829:2017

Tape Adhesion Test for Paint Finishes

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Note: Nothing in this standard supercedes applicable laws and regulations.
Note: In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take precedence.
Purpose. This standard specifies the test method to be used to evaluate the adhesion properties of painted metal, plastic and sealer before and after environmental testing. This standard describes the crosshatch and the “X” cut tape adhesion tests using the cutting tools or cutting guide. All paint systems must meet the adhesion requirements when the appropriate method is used. Unless otherwise specified, the dry film thickness will determine which guide or tool is required. If either method is not usable due to size and/or shape constraints (typically found in small parts) the application of this test will be at the discretion of the responsible engineer.
Applicability. Evaluation of the adhesion properties of painted metal, plastic and sealer before and after environmental testing.

Author General Motors Worldwide (GMW)
Editor GM
Document type Standard
Format File
Edition 4
Number of pages 8
Year 2017
Country USA