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AASHTO R 99-21


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AASHTO R 99-21 Standard Practice for Troubleshooting Asphalt Specimen Volumetric Differences between Superpave Gyratory Compactors (SGCs) Used in the Design and the Field Management of Superpave Mixtures

standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2021

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This method covers the procedure for troubleshooting asphalt specimen volumetric differences between Superpave gyratory compactors (SGCs) used in the design and field management of Superpave mixtures. Evaluation of SGCs should include the SGC used in the mix design, the SGC used for production quality control (QC), and the SGC used for production quality assurance (QA). The evaluation will assist in the identification of within-procedure differences that may impact the field management of asphalt mixtures.