BS PD IEC TR 63362-1:2022 Application of fixed capacitors in electronic equipment-Part 1: Aluminium electrolytic capacitors standard by BSI Group, 08/22/2022
BS PD CEN/TS 17743:2022 Foodstuff. Determination of pesticide residues by ethyl acetate extraction using GC- and LC-MS/MS (SweEt) standard by BSI Group, 08/22/2022
BS PD ISO/TR 20580:2022 Preparation of metallographic specimens standard by BSI Group, 08/22/2022
BS PD ISO/TR 12231-2:2022 Photography. Electronic still picture imaging terminology-Other defined terms standard by BSI Group, 08/19/2022
BS PD CEN ISO/TS 3250:2022 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Calculation and reporting production efficiency in the operating phase standard by BSI Group, 08/18/2022
BS PD ISO/TS 21357:2022 Nanotechnologies. Evaluation of the mean size of nano-objects in liquid dispersions by static multiple light scattering (SMLS) standard by BSI Group, 08/18/2022
BS PD ISO/IEC TR 5895:2022 Cybersecurity. Multi-party coordinated vulnerability disclosure and handling standard by BSI Group, 08/18/2022
BS PD IEC TS 62791:2022 Ultrasonics. Pulse-echo scanners. Low-echo sphere phantoms and method for performance testing of grey-scale medical ultrasound scanners applicable to a broad range of transducer types standard by BSI Group, 08/18/2022
BS PD ISO/TS 22943:2022 Information and documentation. Principles of identification standard by BSI Group, 08/18/2022
BS PD CEN TR 17559:2022 Algae and algae products. Food and feed applications: General overview of limits, procedures and analytical methods standard by BSI Group, 08/18/2022
BS PD ISO/TR 4340:2022 Water aggressiveness evaluation and optimized lining choice standard by BSI Group, 08/18/2022
BS PD ISO/TS 5118:2022 Health informatics. Categorial structure of representation for evaluation of clinical practice guidelines of traditional Chinese medicine standard by BSI Group, 08/18/2022