IES LM-77 IES LM-77 2009 Edition, November 15, 2009 Approved Method for Intensity Distribution of Luminaires and Lamps Using Digital Screen Imaging Photography
IES G-2 IES G-2 2010 Edition, May 11, 2010 Guideline for the Application of General Illumination (“White”) Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Technologies
IES LM-9 IES LM-9 9th Edition, January 31, 2009 IES Approved Method for the Electrical and Photometric Measurement of Fluorescent Lamps
IES DG-20 IES DG-20 2009 Edition, January 31, 2009 Stage Lighting—A Guide to the Planning of Theatres and Auditoriums
IES LM-9 FRENCH IES LM-9 FRENCH 2009 Edition, January 31, 2009 Méthode approuvée : Mesures électriques et photométriques des lampes fluorescentes
IES LM-9 SPANISH IES LM-9 SPANISH 2009 Edition, January 31, 2009 Método aprobado: Medición eléctrica y fotométrica de lámparas fluorescentes
IES DG-18 IES DG-18 2008 Edition, November 9, 2008 Light + Design A Guide to Designing Quality Lighting for People and Buildings
IES DG-19 IES DG-19 2008 Edition, February 23, 2008 Design Guide for Roundabout Lighting
IES LM-79 SPANISH IES LM-79 SPANISH 2008 Edition, 2008 Método aprobado: Mediciones Fotométricas y Eléctricas de Productos de Iluminación de Estado Sólido
IES LM-79 FRENCH IES LM-79 FRENCH 2008 Edition, 2008 Méthode approuvée : Mesures électriques et photométriques de produits d’éclairage à semi-conducteurs
IES LM-62 IES LM-62 6th Edition, May 29, 2006 Laboratory or Field Thermal Measurements of Fluorescent Lamps and Ballasts in Luminaires
IES LM-61 IES LM-61 2006 Edition, 2006 Identifying Operating Factors Influencing Measured Vs. Predicted Performance for Installed Outdoor High Intensity Discharge (HID) Luminaires