INCITS 383:2008 (R2013) Information Technology - Biometric Profile - Interoperability and Data Interchange - Biometrics Based Verification and Identification of Transportation Workers
INCITS 398:2008 (R2013) Information technology - Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework (CBEFF)
INCITS 423.1:2008 (R2013) Information technology - Conformance Testing Methodology Standard for Biometric Data Interchange Format Standards - Part 1: Generalized Conformance Testing Methodology
INCITS 438:2008 (R2013) Information technology - Server Management Command Line Protocol (SM CLP) Specification
INCITS 423.2:2008 (R2013) Information technology - Conformance Testing Methodology Standard for Biometric Data Interchange Format Standards - Part 2: Conformance Testing Methodology for INCITS 378-2004, Finger Minutiae Format for Data Interchange
INCITS 441:2008 (R2013) Information technology - Automation/Drive Interface - Commands-2 (ADC-2)
INCITS 429:2008 (R2013) Information technology - Conformance Testing Methodology for ANSI INCITS 358-2002, BioAPI Specification
INCITS 443:2008 (R2013) Information technology - Fibre Channel Storage Network PING (SNPing)
INCITS 210:2008 (R2013) Information technology - High-Performance Parallel Interface - Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
INCITS 447:2008 (R2013) Information technology - SCSI Architecture Model - 4 (SAM-4)
INCITS 446:2008 (R2013) Information technology - Identifying Attributes for Named Physical and Cultural Geographic Features (Except Roads and Highways) of the United States, Its Territories, Outlying Areas, and Freely Associated Areas, and the Waters of the Same to the Limit
INCITS 451:2008 (R2013) Information technology - AT Attachments-8 ATA/ATAPI Architecture Model (ATA8-AAM)