AS ISO/IEC 38507:2022 [ Current ] Information technology - Governance of IT - Governance implications of the use of artificial intelligence by organizations standard by Standards Australia, 10/14/2022
AS 1855:2022 [ Current ] Ring expansion testing for determination of transverse tensile properties of round steel pipe standard by Standards Australia, 10/07/2022
AS ISO/IEC 20547.3:2022 [ Current ] Information technology - Big data reference architecture, Part 3: Reference architecture standard by Standards Australia, 10/07/2022
AS 62282.2.100:2022 [ Current ] Fuel cell technologies, Part 2.100: Fuel cell modules - Safety (IEC 62282-2-100:2020 (ED.1.0) MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 10/07/2022
AS 1753:2022 [ Current ] Webbing for restraining devices for occupants of motor vehicles standard by Standards Australia, 09/30/2022
AS 1141.30.2:2022 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 30.2: Preparation of aggregate reference specimens for visual comparison standard by Standards Australia, 09/23/2022
AS ISO 10414.1:2022 [ Current ] Petroleum and natural gas industries - Field testing of drilling fluids, Part 1: Water-based fluids standard by Standards Australia, 09/09/2022
AS ISO/IEC 19795.1:2022 [ Current ] Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting, Part 1: Principles and framework standard by Standards Australia, 09/09/2022
AS ISO/IEC 30071.1:2022 [ Current ] Information technology - Development of user interface accessibility, Part 1: Code of practice for creating accessible ICT products and services standard by Standards Australia, 09/09/2022
AS 2885.3:2022 [ Current ] Pipelines - Gas and liquid petroleum, Part 3: Operation and maintenance standard by Standards Australia, 09/09/2022
AS ISO/IEC 30165:2022 [ Current ] Internet of Things (IoT) - Real-time IoT framework standard by Standards Australia, 09/09/2022
AS ISO/IEC 21823.3:2022 [ Current ] Internet of Things (IoT) - Interoperability for IoT systems, Part 3: Semantic interoperability standard by Standards Australia, 09/09/2022