ANSI C82.11-2023 American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts--High-Frequency Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/03/2023
ANSI C78.21-2022 American National Standard for Incandescent Lamps— PAR and R Shapes standard by American National Standards Institute, 12/22/2022
ANSI C136.53-2022 American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment - Enclosed Pendant Mounted Luminaires standard by American National Standards Institute, 12/08/2022
ANSI C119.4-2022 American National Standard for Electric Connectors-Connectors for Use between Aluminum-to-Aluminum and Aluminum-to-Copper Conductors Designed for Normal Operation at or Below 93 deg. C and Copper-to-Copper Conductors Designed for Normal Operation at or Below 100 deg. C standard by...
ANSI C12.1-2022 American National Standard for Electric Meters - Code for Electricity Metering standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/30/2022
ANSI Z535.3-2022 Criteria for Safety Symbols standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/01/2022
ANSI Z535.1-2022 American National Standard for Safety Colors standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/01/2022
ANSI Z535.5-2022 Safety Tags and Barricade Tapes (for Temporary Hazards) standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/01/2022
ANSI Z535 SERIES Z535 Safety Alerting Standards (2017-2022) standard by American National Standards Institute, 2022
ANSI C119.0-2022 American National Standard for Electric Connectors - Testing Methods and Equipment Common to the ANSI C119 Family of Standards standard by American National Standards Institute, 06/09/2022
ANSI C82.18-2022 American National Standard for Light-Emitting Diode Drivers - Performance Characteristics standard by American National Standards Institute, 04/01/2022
ANSI C137.0-2022 American National Standard for Lighting Systems - Lighting Systems Terms and Definitions standard by American National Standards Institute, 03/03/2022